Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Day I Offfically Became an Engineer

Today .. is THE day. I am finally out of student life and stepping into what some say is the practical life .. although my life wasnt theoratical even uptil today .. oo wateva .... TOday was announced the result of our final semester .. i got a staggering 3.47 :s ending in a CGPA of 3.53 [ More that enough for me btw ].

But i wasnt as happy as i should have been . a few of my friends are staying back because they were unable to clear a course of two in the final semester ... i wish them luck and patience ... it will soon be over guys (Y)

Rest all fine ... all accomplised .. time to define new goals ... time to step towards new horizons .. not I am Engineer Yasir Latif :>
It might sound no big a deal to u, but it is for me .. sooooooooo

/me dances arnd shouting .. whose the ENGINEER :D


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Freedom of speech and Internet !

I got this mail a few days back ...there is only one thing that i would say :

If want I wrote is the truth then people should know abuot it, if its not .. then you dont need to worry about ur image being tarnished. If u are stopping me .. stop all of them first who put those stupid cartoon about our Prophet on their blogs. If google cant take them off and what we did was we blocked blogspot like silly cowards. No body .. i repeat NOBODY comes before the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( Peace be upon him)


the actual post that this mail refers to can be found here

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: rehan hussain <>
Date: May 6, 2006 3:06 AM
Subject: Fwd: name slandering - illegal act - crime againts section 22-A under islamic law
yasir dot latif AT gmail dot com

Hello sir,
Kindly remove the article from your site as this is now a matter in legal departments of Google and violation within its jurisdiction is committed. We have this matter looked upon by higher authoroties and surely you would not like to get involve otherwise. Thanks
Rayhan hussain
Toronto legal Team

Note: forwarded message attached.

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: rehan hussain <>
Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 20:57:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: name slandering - illegal act - crime againts section 22-A under islamic law
Dear Sir / Madam
Trust all well on your side"
I Rayhan Hussain on behalf of are at your disposal for the removal of such group "
It is effecting the credibilityy of the celebrities and very important and respected people that are affiliated with us in the promotion of "Peace and Universal brother hood" and this Peace effort is not only by one idividual its an effort that is in progress globally and steaks will be very high if these unlawfull acts from this group does not come to a halt. This matter is being looked upon by local courts and lawyers and currently have release subpoenas for their arrests.( court orders are in hand and can be presented upon request).
On behalf of I Rayhan Hussain will one more time attach the document which consist of unlawfull act under section 22-A by this so called . It is against the law to bName Slander bwithout any probable cause or proof.
These people are committing a crime against Peace and Universal brotherhood and as you may know this by now that very important, respected politicians and celebrities are affiliated with this website and its cause to promote bPeaceb globally.
Kindly reply us asap with the approval of ARTILCLES removal from GOOGLEbs jurisdiction, Apprantly this customer of yours is unlawfully and illegally misusing your space for the distruction of our image and efforts through out the globe, the matter is SERIOUS!!
Please analyze the attached document and the article below very carefully as itbs a legal issue gone bad and we dont want this to go out hands towards disaster. This article below is a CRIME!!
And it consists of words such as Sex, Terrorist etc.
Awaiting your response.
Thanking you in advance.
I have pasted the contents below, thanks
Toronto Legal Team

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The greeat the water fight !

a few of the cs12 ppl .. after the last class and the tea party
and that is where it started :D

at the end, we were all mud soaked monsters :D
Another view of the ENGINEERS :D

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The last day of cs12

Today was our last working day at Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute. Today was a day when according to jay "I just realized cs12 is history". Yep, its here. Today was not a day like any other day. Today was the day we had all waited for but none of us was aware that it would be this hard.

The day started off with our compilers class , the last  class. When we had come to GIKI as the freshmen, we had a quiz in our very first class i.e. MM101. Today was the last class and in it we had a quiz too. Following the class was a tea party by our instructor, Mr,. Usman Adeel. There was a small photoshoot that followed. It was after this photoshoot that boxer and bali filled jugs and attacked us unaware. Thus began a historical water fight. A water fight ( + mud of course) the likes of which GIKI had not seen. cs12 rocked GIKI. Anyone who came near was first given the special ritual that consisted of dragging in the mud and mud spraying. Following it was the cleaning ritual and the circle continued. We had a lil rain dance by Goalto. WE played rugby with sana's sandal and we followed the wierd spinning trick of zubair. The fun part was landing on the mud highway.. rather sliding. It was the best last day that could ever have been.

WE are the cs12. A group of techo freaks, chill pills and theetas. WE have lived like a family for four years and now the time has come to say our good byes . Saying Goodbye is never easy and is this case .. its seems like impossible. I LOVE YOU cs12 !!!

If i could go back in time and live this all over again .. i would be more that pleased to end up the same way.

My clock just moved over to 6th May  2006.  Its  over  !