Thursday, November 06, 2008


One of my favorite topics is Life, always have been always will be. Its the small things in life that push me to write something. Life with its ups and downs is the bumpy road that we all travel each day, in parallel to each other , making our own paths. Some of these paths bring us closer to one another and some of these paths take us away from each other to such large distance that a return seems impossible. I think about lies, and how they makes these come back very difficult.

In myself, I have always though of myself as someone who does not consider "people" (an euphemism for society) as a factor when talking decisions or when forming my opinion about something. I take pride in such freedom. For me people are not even on the list of merit/demerit that I have to consider when I have to make a choice. People can go to Hell for all I care. But I hear that it is not like that for normal people (  yeah i am not normal, i get that alot). The fear of people, in specific the phrase "Log kia kahain gaye... " [translated : "What will the people say/think .. "] is the one which makes me lose my temper every time. To hell with people and to hell with their opinions. I hate people and I hate their opinions. If you are one of the normal people, let me tell you, its okay to be not normal. Break free, live for what you are and not what people expect of you.

We give more weight to those opinions which are inline with our thinking model or our opinion. We don't even stop to think for a minute about the person who is saying it. If its something that we like but comes from a person that we do not like, we gladly quote it anywhere that we want. But if its something that is not in line with our thought process and is said by someone very near to us, we simple choose to ignore it. What is this about? Does nobody see the inbuilt hypocrisy in that or is it called "just being human"? If this is the latter, I refuse to be labeled a human any more. I refuse to be a being who joys himself in the sufferings of other and denies help to them when they need it most. I hate to be the part of the gossiping circle that is called "family" these days. If you are family, act like one. This is not a Star Plus Soap Opera for God's sake !

Many times I have been told and I know for a fact myself that I am asocial. I don't mix with people that easy. I have my reasons for that, and I don't think that I have the need to explain them to anyone at ALL. This in no way means that I am "proud". Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you otherwise. Live and let, that's what I believe in.

Trying to make some sense of all these random thoughts? Well don't. At least I can't.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


اس طرح ہے کہ ہر پیڑ کوئ مندر ہے

کوئ اُجڑا ہوا ، بے نور پرانا مندر

ڈھونڈتا ہے جو خرابی کہ بہانے کب سے

چاک ہر بام ، ہر اک در کا دمِ آخر ہے

آسماں کوئ پروہت ہے جو ہر بام تلے

جسم پر راکھ ملے ، ماتھے پہ سندور ملے

سرنگوں بیٹھا ہے چپ چاپ نہ جانے کب سے

اس ترح ہے کہ پس پردہ کوئ ساحر ہے

جس نے آفاق پہ پھیلایا ہے یوں سحر کا دام

دامنِ وقت سے پےوست ہے یوں دامنِ شام

اب کبھی شام بجھیگی نہ اندھیرا ہوگا

اب کبھی رات ڈھیلگی نہ سویرا ہوگ

آسماں آس لیے ہے کہ یہ جادو ٹوٹے

چُپ کی زنزیر کٹے ؛ وقت کا دامن چھوٹے

دے کوئ شنکھ دُہائ ، کوئ پایل بولے

کوئ بُت جاگے ، کوئ سانولی گھونگھٹ کھولے

فیض احمد فیض

English Translation by Agha Shahid Ali from The Rebel's Silhouette.


The trees are dark ruins of temples,
seeking excuses to tremble
since who knows when–
their roofs are cracked,
their doors lost to ancient winds.
And the sky is a priest,
saffrom marks on his forehead,
ashes smeared on his body.
He sits by the temples, worn to a shadow, not looking up.

Some terrible magician, hideen behind curtains,
has hypnotized Time
so this evening is a net
in which the twilight is caught.
Now darkness will never come–
and there will never be morning.

The sky waits for this spell to be broken,
for history to tear itself from this net,
for Silence to break its chains
so that a symphony of conch shells
may wake up to the statues
and a beautiful, dark goddess,
her anklets echoing, may unveil herself.

Found here.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Enough is enough!

Enough! Enough is enough. Stop terrorizing our nation. Enough with suicide bombing and enough with blowing up schools. We, the people, are innocent. If you have anything against the government, why take it out on people. Find an outlet for your anger and your protest that does not involve killing people. If you think this is bravery I have news for you otherwise. If you think that you will enter Jannah cause of giving up your life for a noble cause then let me ask you, "What is so noble about killing innocent people?" If you kill one person it is like you killed the whole of humanity. May Allah condemn you to the worst part of Hell for committing such atrocities against our people. May God give you wisdom and intelligence to understand what is right and to realize that you are being manipulated, you hopeless fools!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

A thinking mind

We go about our everyday lives and we never stop to think, not even for a single moment. When I say "think" I don't mean "Let me think where I want to have lunch" but rather "Let me think why this is so". Life is suppose to mean something and make perfect sense. For a thinking man, it sometimes does.(It can never make perfect sense to anyone no matter how thinking). But lets first see what happens to a man who does not think, who takes life as it comes to him without noting down anything from it and without adding anything to it.

Meet Mike. Mike is a grad student like most of us. He wants to earn alot of money, fame and all the rest that the world has to offer. Mike also knows that in order to obtain these things, he will have to work real hard. Mike is a very normal person. Like most of us, he does not think. He assumes that life will someday offer him a path that will take him to the destiny that he does not know anything about yet but is sure that its there waiting for him. His life is governed by uncertainty and confusion. We are all like Mike.

One day Mike came across something that really puzzled him and forced him to think. Think! think! the problem said. Mike, being unaccustomed to the tradition, tried. But thinking did not come to him naturally and instead what he thought he was thinking and acting on was his gut feeling. Gut feeling is more related to emotions than to mind. Man is mind and emotions, the former being more emphasized. So Mike being an emotional man went with his gut feeling that he "thought" was the right thing to do. We are all like Mike.

Wiser men have described the path to God as being along the thinking road. Think and ye shall find God. Think and ye shall find yourself. Know thyself and thy shall know God.

Take a look around you and ask yourself, "Am I living in a place where people think?" If you happen to be a normal person who is not a part of philosophical and literary circles, you answer would most probably be no. You might as well ask "Why think?" or  "What would change if I think?" or "What can I do I am only one man?" or God forbid " What should I think about ?"

Let me give you something to think about. Think about us. Think about what we are doing  to our fellow human beings. Think about life not as you know it but as how other people experience it. Think about the world around you. Think about your body and what an amazing machine it it. Think about your parents about your children and how you can help them become better humans. ( better does not necessarily mean rich !) Think about the people who are losing lives just cause you did not pay attention when you were voting. Think about Africa, Asia and the Middle east. Think about life, about how short it is and about how would you like to be remembered. Think about doing something to make the world a better place. Think, not about people, but about ideas. Ideas are immortal, ideas change lives, people just help in the process. Think about why you are here and finally think about Life. Observe people as the pass you on the road or in the train. Think of their stories and their lives. Think, for the love of God, think.

On a similar note, thinking about things that do not matter is like thinking about Superman.(Superman does not exists by the way). Avoid any thinking that is not fruitful. Thinking about something that does not exists (this includes all the super heroes) is a waste of time and talent.

Life is very short. The moment that is passing will not come back. If you have to come up with a great idea, the time is now. Great ideas wont wait for you to take some rest a think anew tomorrow morning. Live you life to the fullest does not mean crazy driving and loads of girls. Live you life to the fullest means to explore all the potential that has been bestowed upon you. Human mind has uncapped potential, all that we have to do it to tap into it.

Friday, August 29, 2008

What are our options?

Pakistan is a sovereign country. We are a proud, resourceful, independent nation. We have options. Zardari is not an option. Sharif is not an option. The army is not our one and only option. The mullahs have not become an option yet. There are close to 200 million of us: I'm sure we can think of something better.
Fatima Bhutto

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ناصر کاظمی

مسلسل بے کلی دل کو رہی ہے
مگر جینے کی صورت تو رہی ہے

میں کیوں پھرتا ہوں تنہا مارا مارا
یہ بستی چین سے کیوں سو رہی ہے

چل دل سے امیدوں کی مسافر
یہ نگری آج خالی ہو رہی ہے

نہ سمجھو تم اسے شور بھاراں
خزاں پتوں میں چھپ کر رو رہی ہے

ہمارے گھر کی دیواروں پہ ناصر
اداسی بال کھولے سو رہی ہے

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Today, I turn 24.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Revival of live2see.

Coming Soon...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

of life, of time good and bad .. and of all else

Remember the first time you went to school. Remember the first time that you started learning algebra and just turned a few pages forward to see whats up next, and how it scared the hell out of you. Remember when u looked back at it the next year you laughed and thought that it was silly of you to be scared of something like that, it was so easy, difficult things are still to come. Well, that pretty much sums up life. The only difference is that you can not just turn a few pages to see what it would be like in the future ( well not yet but may be some day ). Coping with life is one of the hardest things that one can do while one is alive. If you are dead, you no longer have to worry about stuff, or so i guess. Life comes, one day at a time .. and days turn into months, months to year  and before you know someone would ask you ur age and you reply, I am this much years. Thats when it strikes you. Life has given you so much years already. The question that comes next to your mind it, what have i done with all this time. Am I where I should be? If I am not where I should be then why is it so?

We set out goals high, aiming at the stars in the hope of ending there. But instead, we end up on the tree top. Which is good, but not as good as the stars. Then you wonder that something it wrong. something somewhere doesnt feel right. There is something in your life that you want to change but only if you knew what it is. Time goes by and things only go worse after that.

Good times are those that are gone by, bad times are these and good times are still to come. So at any given time, it is more probable that you are complaining about it being bad. But if at any given time, the time is bad, then how can it be good once its passed by?

All else is as bad as any other time. I don't know what when wrong, I don't know how to correct it. I am stuck here for at least the next one and half year. I have been coding my fingers off and I am pursuing a degree in communication engineering. A word of advice "Choose your filed wisely" else you will regret it later on in your life.

Life goes on, every day there is something new to take on someplace new to explore and some other piece of code that needs to be written cause we all love reinventing the wheel.

Hope that I have depressed you enough for one day.